Sponsor Spotlight

Thank You to All the Vendors Who Have Already Sponsored the 2013, 2012, and 2011
Brides on a Dime Expos with Overwhelming Support!

American Legion Post #176 for hosting this amazing event at a bottom-of-the-barrel rate!

Personal Events Management and Ariana Urdu and Carrie Miller for 
impeccable fundraiser planning strategies and inspirational support 
in making Brides on a Dime Expo a reality! 

A special thanks to Carrie Miller for planning and executing 
a high quality fashion show of St. Anthony's Bridal gowns. 
Thanks also to the models, hair dressers, makeup artists, seamstresses, DJ, and photographers!

Panera Bread Catering for providing fine, fresh-baked sandwiches 
and refreshments for models, vendors, and attendees.

Ambiance Special Events for providing a 
pre-expo deal for brides to sign up!